Hydrocodone Nicaragua How Available Is Oxycodone And Hydrocodone In Honduras And Nicaragua?

How available is oxycodone and hydrocodone in Honduras and Nicaragua? - hydrocodone nicaragua

I look forward to a response from someone who has obtained experience in the pharmacies in Honduras and Nicaragua (not Costa Rica), to tell me about oxys. Pharmacist will give you this without a script, or can and will write the script necisary?
If necessary, it will be easy to find a script to doc? I think the big cities like San Pedru Sula / Tegucigalpa / Managua .. ext .. easier to do it in. Who's with experience?


Dr.John L said...

No, it is very difficult to find a doctor write a prescription in most pharmacies, not with the exception of the emergency room. The best thing to do is Tylenol with codeine.

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