Angel Angel????????????

Angel???????????? - angel

Who knows how to end the series Angel?


galligir... said...

The series ends with Angel to all key players with Wolfram & Hart to destroy. Each team member had to kill a demon. Wesley was killed during the battle. First and second season of Lindsey, was killed at the end of their mission by Lorne (Host) in the direction of Angel. At the end of the plunger Illeria (SP), Angel and Gunn is still in the fight. He concluded with them directly led to a big battle with dragons and animals of all kinds. What kind of composition, in a note indefinitely, there was not even positive that the program is terminated because Angel is (Neilson ratings) last season. Great show, I recommend the DVD!

Zi_Ziana said...

Yes, but you should try to see it on TNT at 6 and 7 clock clock EST (Monday to Friday). Here is a link to a detailed summary of the episode: ...

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