Free Pinky Adult Sit Increase Pinky Performance???

Increase pinky performance??? - free pinky adult sit

Ok you know how the little finger and 3, the same tone, or something connected with his right hand?

If there is a way to get the little finger and a single on the role? As training so crazy to sell work individually fingers.

I see guitar players who are so free and Pinky's as crazy as the index.

Yes, I know, practice, practice, practice, but I can work for my practice exerises pinky at a decent level


Glynn D said...

Unfortunately, this means a lot of movement and boring. The good news is that if you learn that exercise is the kind of thing can be done almost in silence while you watch a movie or something.

Chromatic exercises are a good start: From the 1st Association of low E-string with the 1st Finger, 2 Covenant then with the fingers, 2nd, 3rd with the 3rd, 4th and play in the 4th You can book up to their necks in this way, say, 4 repetitions of 1 Federation, 2 Collar 4 and so on up to the neck. Just go out at first glance, his fluid motion and speed as the rotating hold. You'll find your fingers tire, and you may begin to hurt / burn very quickly. Do not press too hard or too hurt you, you have the whole day.

You can make your own exercises based on this principle (and your harvest and your finger strength to help - try to have to do all the peaks, no alternatives, etc.). I'm going across the strings and back, top and bottom of the neck.

blackhai... said...

I hope that my finger was free, too! While exercises such as those presented above are perhaps the best way to achieve your goals, you might want some arpeggios add (maj, min, August, etc. ..) and a few flakes (shift modes, harmonic and melodic minor, pentatonic ), as they learn colors, at least in part-time, while the practice of the release of his little finger.

A note of caution: I remember when I attend Berklee, he was almost 20 years, there was a discussion about injuries caused by repetitive movements, usually by musicians from the practice of which caused officials and / or similar things again and again. Trying to pain, not a good idea, especially with time. The slow and easy warm-up for 5 or 10 minutes is a long way to go to protect their hands.

A really amazing guitar player / teacher at the Berklee now a young man named Scott Tarull ( ... it's a wonderful player. Take a look at some videos on your website and II think You agree that he took out his little finger. But he speaks in his "reflection" cesareanNo injuries have RSI too much repetitive practice and how it affects his game in general.

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